
Morning at Willband Creek

Before the last round of snow (huh?) I went for an early morning walk around Willband Creek. This is what the sun looks like, bouncing off the wild grass.

Pentax K200D'
50mm Chinon Lens
ISO 100
1/1500 sec.


Dusky railway

Again at the Vedder River Railway crossing. I haven't had the chance to shoot any new stuff, and once I'm in Europe (a week from now) I'll be shooting non-stop, so maybe it's better that I save my energy. BTW, hit your F11 button and this will fit your screen a bit better. Then hit it again and all will be normal.

Pentax K200D
50mm Chinon lens
ISO 100
1/750 sec.


Ben's Haircut

Ben likes his haircuts, although he never really looks like he entirely trusts his "stylist". What 4 year old has a stylist?

Pentax K200D
50mm Chinon lens
ISO 800
1/60 sec.
No Flash


Oak in early morning

I shot this at 6:52 in the morning, before teaching Leadership at 7:00. The fog diffused the light just right, and I could not help but want to take this picture. Now, I long for foggy mornings.

Pentax K200D
50mm lens
ISO 100
1/10 sec.
No Flash



Dad's birthday today. There's nothing like a little cake to make a day happy. I love you Dad, and I hope your 56th birthday was a good one.

Pentax K200D
50mm Chinon lens
ISO 1600
1/45 sec.
No Flash



There is a confluence of angles here, thanks to the engineer.

It seems to me that there is a confluence of angles in the universe, and I'm in awe of how it brings people and time and space together.

Pentax K200D
50mm Chinon lens
ISO 100
1/250 sec.


Private Property

I love when irony shows up to play. The sign says "private property" but the railway people have been nice enough to place a grated walkway for pedestrian traffic on the left side (from this p.o.v.) of the bridge.

Pentax K200D
50mm Chinon lens
ISO 100
1/180 sec.


Mill Lake trees at dusk

For some reason this feels like its an album cover to a vinyl record my parents had when I was seven, like BJ Thomas or Roger Whittaker. On a side note, I used to take out the records and put the album covers on my head, and pretend I worked at McDonald's. The hats the employees wore kind of looked like a record cover. Don't ask me to explain any more than that.

Pentax K200D
DA 18-55 mm lens + .42 fisheye converter
ISO 100
1/500 sec.


Monkey and Cloud

Took this picture at the park today. The sky was so blue, and I've always been fascinated by monkeys (trees, that is).

Pentax K200D
DA 18-55mm lens
23mm focal length
ISO 100
1/30 sec.


Bridge foundation

Rivets at the foundation of the Vedder River train bridge. Also, some tweaking in Photoshop, specifically the grayscale, and a bit of play on curves. Ooh, I love curves.

Pentax K200D
50mm Chinon lens
ISO 200
1/125 sec.
No Flash


Foul Temptress

She's only smirking because she knows that she's got so many of you hooked. I've escaped her clutches, although I'd walk through a snowstorm barefoot for one of her Oat Fudge Bars. Aargh...

Pentax K200D
50mm Chinon lens
ISO 800
1/180 sec.
No Flash


Eagle at the River

Vedder River at sunset. It's amazing how many birds make this area home.

Pentax K200D
50mm lens
1/750 sec.


Broken Rail

Was out at the Vedder River yesterday. I wonder what broke the end of the rail like that.

Pentax K200D
50mm lens
ISO 100
1/60 sec.


My Hilary and I were in Bellingham for Valentine's Day (hence the lack of a post yesterday - sorry), and we walked the boardwalk in the Old Fairhaven area of Bellingham. This rock was kind of under the boardwalk.

Pentax K200D
50mm lens
ISO 100
1/1500 sec. exposure


I miss'em...

In Bellingham tonight. I miss my kids. Here's me playing with the fisheye converter again.

Pentax K200D
27mm x .42 fisheye converter
ISO 800
1/30 sec.


Abandoned granary

Reminds me of the granaries on the farms where I grew up. Who knew I was nostalgic?

Pentax K200D
50mm Chinon prime lens
ISO 100
1/750 sec.


To quote Spongebob...

Aaahh...barnacles! This was shot under the pier at Semiahmoo Resort.

Pentax K200D
ISO 800
1/180 sec.
No Flash


Beyond Thunderdome!

Mad Max (Ben) in the Thunderdome at Hannah's school. (Pentax K200D, 18mm + .42x fisheye converter, f4.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec.)


Light the way.

Exploring under the stairs at SFU, in between marking hundreds of essays. (Pentax K200D, 28mm, f4.0, ISO 800, 1/10 sec.)


Science is so Black and White

Marking at SFU has its perks, when you bring your camera. BTW, this is the Science building, hence the title of this photo. (Pentax K200D, 55mm, f5.6, 1/350 sec., ISO100)



The MV Plover ferry building, which apparently has a bit of a bird fan club. (Pentax K200D, 50mm lens, f1.4, ISO200)



Sunrise at Semiahmoo. (Pentax K200D, 50mm, f1.4, 1/750sec, ISO100)


Semiahmoo Pier

Wandering under the pier at the Semiahmoo Spit. (Pentax K200D, 50mm, f1.4, ISO 400, 1/750 sec.)


Stalker at my door

Aah! I found Luke Skywalker hiding out on the lamp outside my hotel room door. I think he's trying to get me. (Pentax K200D, 48mm, ISO 800, f5.6)


Semiahmoo resort

Old moorings, outside Semiahmoo Resort. (Pentax K200D, 18mm, f4.0, ISO 800)


Skywalker vs. the "moose"

Not the best picture I've taken, but Luke Skywalker had an issue with my dessert. Whatcha gonna do? btw, I should have upped the ISO, I know. (Pentax K200D, ISO 400, DA 18-55mm lens, f4.5)