

It was so fun being out with Ben this afternoon, and I took my new camera out for a spin. There was a meditative quality to it. I have realized the rest and relaxation I derive from composing a photo and I've missed that zen feeling.

Also, for those of you who are regular viewers, this should be the restart of daily posts. As well, if you can think of a nickname for the new K20, let me know. My K200D was called Tank, but I'm stumped for a good name for the new one.

Pentax K20D
Tokina 28-70mm lens
ISO 100
1/160 sec.


Look! It's my new camera! Yay!

There it is. Well, one that looks just like it. I got my new camera while I was away in Kelowna, and now I have to go out and shoot with it. It's a lot bigger than my old one, and has more buttons, but I'm excited. Look here for many new shots soon.



I'm back...sort of

This is back from July 1st, the Canada Day parade in Abbotsford.

On the camera front, I have, on order, a K20D coming this week via UPS and I'm slowly building up a new kit. I've been trying to focus on the "silver lining" in all this, and so far I have been able to upgrade quite a bit from what I had.

Also, I met Wallace Koopmans, a fellow Pentax enthusiast, who sold me a beautiful 28mm (f2.8) lens, which I can't wait to use. If you want to see some of Wallace's work, check this out: Wallace Koopmans.

I should start posting much more regularly as soon as the new K20 gets here. I'll let you know.


Post 200!

I am not as excited as I should be that I've made it to my 200th post. I was hoping for nearly consecutive photo-posting, but now I'm waiting for the insurance company to tell me what my next move is. It turns out I'm not so good at waiting.

Oh, and this is the Abbotsford Hospital. I visited it last December with Ben when we thought his foot was broken.

Pentax K200D
Pentax DA 18-55mm lens (@18mm)
ISO 400
1/30 sec.