
How'd my boat get there?

Fabrizio Bianco, our guide throughout the tour, had a few jokes that were repeated often. When we drove around Nice he mentioned that one of the boats in the harbor was his, and that he was surprised to see it moored there. We all laughed. When we passed another harbor, he said "How did my boat get here?" We went to Monaco and Monte Carlo (this was a shot from Monaco of the Monte Carlo harbor) and he asked again, and we all laughed again.

How crazy we would have all gone had we not had Fabrizio around to make us laugh? I wonder if there's ever been a study that looked at the similarities between tour groups and hostages. It seems to me that we all developed Stockholm syndrome while on this trip.

Side note: I cropped this to take out the massive sky; hence the wide angle look. Also, adjusted curves a bit to add a little needed contrast.

Pentax K200D
DA 18-55mm lens (@18mm)
ISO 100
1/750 sec.

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