Before the last round of snow (huh?) I went for an early morning walk around Willband Creek. This is what the sun looks like, bouncing off the wild grass.
Pentax K200D' 50mm Chinon Lens f1.4 ISO 100 1/1500 sec.
Again at the Vedder River Railway crossing. I haven't had the chance to shoot any new stuff, and once I'm in Europe (a week from now) I'll be shooting non-stop, so maybe it's better that I save my energy. BTW, hit your F11 button and this will fit your screen a bit better. Then hit it again and all will be normal.
Pentax K200D 50mm Chinon lens f1.4 ISO 100 1/750 sec.
I shot this at 6:52 in the morning, before teaching Leadership at 7:00. The fog diffused the light just right, and I could not help but want to take this picture. Now, I long for foggy mornings.
Pentax K200D 50mm lens f1.4 ISO 100 1/10 sec. No Flash
I love when irony shows up to play. The sign says "private property" but the railway people have been nice enough to place a grated walkway for pedestrian traffic on the left side (from this p.o.v.) of the bridge.
Pentax K200D 50mm Chinon lens f1.4 ISO 100 1/180 sec.
For some reason this feels like its an album cover to a vinyl record my parents had when I was seven, like BJ Thomas or Roger Whittaker. On a side note, I used to take out the records and put the album covers on my head, and pretend I worked at McDonald's. The hats the employees wore kind of looked like a record cover. Don't ask me to explain any more than that.
Pentax K200D DA 18-55 mm lens + .42 fisheye converter f4.0 ISO 100 1/500 sec.
Rivets at the foundation of the Vedder River train bridge. Also, some tweaking in Photoshop, specifically the grayscale, and a bit of play on curves. Ooh, I love curves.
Pentax K200D 50mm Chinon lens f1.4 ISO 200 1/125 sec. No Flash
She's only smirking because she knows that she's got so many of you hooked. I've escaped her clutches, although I'd walk through a snowstorm barefoot for one of her Oat Fudge Bars. Aargh...
Pentax K200D 50mm Chinon lens f1.4 ISO 800 1/180 sec. No Flash
Was out at the Vedder River yesterday. I wonder what broke the end of the rail like that.
Pentax K200D 50mm lens f1.4 ISO 100 1/60 sec.
My Hilary and I were in Bellingham for Valentine's Day (hence the lack of a post yesterday - sorry), and we walked the boardwalk in the Old Fairhaven area of Bellingham. This rock was kind of under the boardwalk.
Pentax K200D 50mm lens f1.4 ISO 100 1/1500 sec. exposure
Marking at SFU has its perks, when you bring your camera. BTW, this is the Science building, hence the title of this photo. (Pentax K200D, 55mm, f5.6, 1/350 sec., ISO100)
Not the best picture I've taken, but Luke Skywalker had an issue with my dessert. Whatcha gonna do? btw, I should have upped the ISO, I know. (Pentax K200D, ISO 400, DA 18-55mm lens, f4.5)