

It was so fun being out with Ben this afternoon, and I took my new camera out for a spin. There was a meditative quality to it. I have realized the rest and relaxation I derive from composing a photo and I've missed that zen feeling.

Also, for those of you who are regular viewers, this should be the restart of daily posts. As well, if you can think of a nickname for the new K20, let me know. My K200D was called Tank, but I'm stumped for a good name for the new one.

Pentax K20D
Tokina 28-70mm lens
ISO 100
1/160 sec.


  1. How about "my camera" like normal people call it.

  2. You mean, you didn't like my suggestion of Dozer?

  3. As apropos as that may be, I don't think I could get used to calling my camera Dozer. I love the Matrix allusion and all, but it's just not working in my head. Mind you, there's a lot of things not working up there.

  4. Ok then, let's go for synonyms: Vat? Recepticle? Armored Combat Vehicle? Tub? Keg? Cask? I like the last two. Or perhaps you would like me to go with antonyms???
